
Whole Body Cryo

Whole Body Cryotherapy


Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) is the use of extreme cold temperatures to help heal the body in under 3 minutes. The WBC unit uses liquid nitrogen vapor to cool the chamber to -275 degrees Fahrenheit which lowers the skin surface temperature during a 2-3 minute session. The exposed skin reacts to the extreme temperature by sending messages to the brain that causes the body to go into a defensive (fight or flight) mode, transporting blood to vital organs in the core. During this process, your body starts oxygenating your blood and removing toxins and lactic acid. Immediately after exiting the cryotherapy chamber, your body begins to return to its normal state by dilating the blood vessels which increases blood flow to the extremities. The dilated blood vessels allow you to more effectively distribute this newly oxygenated blood to your limbs and your body starts utilizing this blood which is now enriched with oxygen and other nutrients. Research and clinical studies have shown that WBC can be used to relieve:

  • Muscle pain and soreness

  • Sprains

  • Swelling and inflammation

  • Joint pain and stiffness

WBC has also been shown to improve mental health due to the release of endorphins following the cryotherapy session. Many clients also report improvements in sleep quality and restfulness. To find out more about the benefits of using WBC, please click here.  

While WBC is an important portion of recovery and overall wellness, make sure you look over the list of medical contraindications or speak with your medical professional before using our WBC unit.

The WBC unit is not a medical device as defined by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The information about WBC above is based on research studies conducted by third parties unaffiliated with Dynamic Cryo Spa and has not been evaluated by the FDA. In addition, Dynamic Cryo Spa has not verified the accuracy of such research studies.